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style="height: 27px; font-family: Tahoma; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); text-align: center; width: 253px;"><small>Неизвестен</small></td>
<td class=""
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style="height: 27px; font-family: Tahoma; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); width: 253px;"><small>Free</small></td>
<td class=""
style="height: 27px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); text-align: left; width: 253px;"><small>Файл
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<td class=""
style="height: 27px; font-family: Tahoma; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); text-align: center; width: 253px;"><small>1151</small></td>
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(06.11.2014 07:43)
锘縤n the presidential inauguration ball, Obama and his wife Michel to dance, the left hand sleeves exposed at a black dial watch. Obama has been wearing the watch to participate in various election rally, the inauguration, and signed the first copy of the president's own make. This watch is Jorg Gray 6500, is Obama in 2007 as an Illinois state senator, America secret service colleagues give 46 birthday gift, the retail price of $325 (about 2219 yuan). And now, Obama wore a Jorg Gray 6500 speech photographs, are manufacturers to advertise, and has caused the online sales for frozen food. In retrospect, Ford president is wearing Pulsar watch high-tech, $2000. Bush president wore a $50 Timex Indiglo watch, like Timex Clinton. John? President Kennedy is the senior watch lovers, inauguration wearing a OMEGA watch, then watch with a $350000 price auction. is not only a president who likes to watch, in fact, for men, like women's jewelry watches, never too much. Antoine director Pin LVMH watches and jewelry business explained, male ornaments are quite limited, in addition to follow the same pattern suits, shirts, sweaters and jeans, watches and jewelry is http://ukoln.org/replicabagssale.html - fake designer handbags one of the few can display their personality. Therefore, https://www.facebook.com/38dollarsbags - designer handbags replica compared to women's magazines of various cosmetics, jewelry, advertising, "Esquire", "GQ" and other men's magazines, most still watch ads. in the past, the man would lend their cars to show their identity, status, but the car just park in the garage, but not be everybody see whenever and wherever possible, watch undoubtedly replaced the automobile has become the men to show off. In addition, if the vision is good taste, but also the value of collection of watches. Patek Philippe is a highly collectible value of the brand, the limited edition of Calibre 89 in the 2004 auction price of more than $5000000. Of course, the economic situation but also about the men wanted to buy a watch, Swiss watch exports this year, down 22.7% yoy. however, regardless of the man wearing the watch is $50 or $5000, the primary purpose of wear are the same, in order to show their individuality, the watch is a label is very obvious. For https://www.facebook.com/38dollarsbags - replica designer handbags example, an art dealer said to me, suddenly found the art circle bosses Nive out of ten are wearing Vacheron Constantin. And the other a literary man said to me, older, more and more feel the need to wear a watch. Well, to the end of the year, buy a watch for yourself as a reward -- the idea would have been a lot of men support. And buy a piece of how the watch apart from thrifty by the people, but also with personality, different men must wear different styles of watches. sports outdoor male entry Recommendation -- S>
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